އީމެއިލް ހުސް ނުކުރެވޭނެ
ޕާސްވޯޑް ހުސް ނުކުރެވޭނެ
އީމެއިލް ފޯމެޓް ގޯސްވެއްޖެއެވެ
އީމެއިލް ހުސް ނުކުރެވޭނެ
އީމެއިލް މިހާރުވެސް އެބައޮތެވެ
6-20 އަކުރު(އަކުރު ޕްލަސް ނަންބަރުތަކަށް އެކަނި)
ޕާސްވޯޑް އެއްގޮތް ނުވާތީއެވެ
އީމެއިލް ފޯމެޓް ގޯސްވެއްޖެއެވެ
އީމެއިލް ހުސް ނުކުރެވޭނެ
އީމެއިލް އެއް ނެތެވެ
6-20 އަކުރު(އަކުރު ޕްލަސް ނަންބަރުތަކަށް އެކަނި)
ޕާސްވޯޑް އެއްގޮތް ނުވާތީއެވެ
As a high-precision machine tool, the CNC machining center, due to improper operation or programming errors, is easy to make the tool or tool holder hit the workpiece or machine tool. The light one will damage the tool and the processed parts, and the heavy one will damage the machine tool components, lose the machining accuracy of the machine tool, and even cause personal accidents. Therefore, anti-collision is very necessary. In the use of a CNC machining center, it is absolutely not allowed for the tool to collide with the machine tool or workpiece. The following causes of collision knife can be summarized into 9 reasons:
The process arrangement is wrong, the process undertaking relationship is not considered in detail, and the parameter setting is wrong.
For example:
For example:
The program number calls incorrectly or the program is modified, but the old program is still used for processing;
The on-site processor must check the detailed data of the program before processing;
For example, the time and date of programming are simulated by the bear clan.